
Change. It starts with you.


SOS Recovery Community Organization is part of a social movement led by people in recovery from substance use and their allies aimed at altering public and professional attitudes and reducing stigma and harms in the community.

Advocacy AT SOSRCO

SOS has built strong, grassroots efforts in the community, connected with both state and national recovery leaders to allow people in recovery, family members, friends, and allies to express their collective voice on issues of common concern, respond to recovery support needs that the community has identified and provide a forum for recovery-focused community service. SOS advocacy includes efforts at the local, state, and national level.

SOS advocacy relates to the adequacy of local prevention, treatment, and recovery support services as well as educating the public, policymakers, and service providers about the prevalence, and pathways.  We develop volunteerism in our community as well as advocate for greater philanthropic contributions to maintain fiscal sustainability and mobilize additional and more robust resources.

SOS also focused on putting a positive face to recovery advocacy by presenting our faces and voices to them in various outreach events, and celebrations such as parades, rallies, and fundraising concerts.  Our advocacy includes our locations as we look to put our recovery community centers in downtown centralized “Main St” locations to provide a setting that is a peer-based non-clinical approach with high visibility within the community.  We stand not only to provide hope for those who face challenges due to their drug use, but also for the public to see that recovery is possible, and attainable. To show that we are thriving within our communities and contributing to the health and success of our local communities!

Rochester Center hours


Dover 9-5 • Rochester 9-5 • Hampton 9-5