Maggie Padgett (she, her) Deputy Director

Maggie is a person who strives to create joy each and every day. She is passionate about working to improve systems for our most vulnerable community members and has spent the last seven years doing just that. When not working, you can find her spending time with her family, cooking, or out on the trails for a run!

Maggie joined our team as a per diem employee at the Strafford County Emergency Warming Center last winter and became a foundational piece to the success there.  She began working for us part time over the fall developing our harm reduction programs and services.  She is responsible for successfully developing our Hepatitis C and HIV screening programs.  She has extensive experience here in Strafford County having worked with the original IDN efforts and later with Waypoint providing case management for their family programs.  Many of our participants have worked with her directly for years.  Maggie has extensive experience in leadership roles where she has provided staff development, direct services in case management, harm reduction outreach, and overseeing sheltering in the NH non-profit community and we are thrilled to have her.

Rochester Center hours


Dover 9-5 • Rochester 9-5 • Hampton 9-5