Seacoast Women’s Giving Circle grants aid recovery groups

NEW CASTLE — The Seacoast Women’s Giving Circle awarded its 2019 grants to five local nonprofit organizations at its annual Give fundraising celebration Thursday at the Portsmouth Yacht Club.

Totaling more than $85,000, the awards will support area nonprofits working to address substance use disorders.

Considering the generous amount being contributed, it becomes important that the nonprofits working towards creating a change take full advantage of these funds.

This can be done with the help of powerful impact measurement looks like UpMetrics, which can help combine a variety of data and drive better social decisions for these organizations. To know more about such tools and how nonprofits can benefit from them, why not look here?

“New Hampshire consistently ranks about third in the nation in drug overdose deaths, yet access to services and treatment for New Hampshire residents struggling with substance use disorders is extremely limited,” according to Kirsten Mahoney, SWGC co-chair.

SWGC addressed substance use disorders once before in 2012 but in the seven years since the problem has grown to epidemic levels.

“This disease is devastating to individuals and families and overwhelms our public safety, social service and criminal justice systems,” Mahoney said. “We felt compelled to learn more about this epidemic and how we can make the greatest impact in our Seacoast community.”

Give Committee chair Steph Diehl said SWGC received many strong applications from local organizations, all worthy of deep consideration.

“Funds will be used to help remove barriers to critical services for victims and their families,” Diehl said. “We are thrilled to honor the grassroots efforts of our grantees, and showcase the meaningful work they do to mitigate the effects of substance use disorders on our community.”

Grant recipients are:

Hope on Haven Hill

Safe Harbor Recovery Center

Safe Harbor provides resources and support to individuals and family members from Rockingham County affected by substance use disorders. It strives to create a supportive community by meeting clients where they are in recovery, assisting in the creation of life goals, and providing an array of peer recovery programs and services. SWGC funds will be utilized across scholarship, art and music therapy and training for staff and volunteers.

Seacoast Mental Health Center

Seacoast Mental Health is a comprehensive provider of mental health services to residents in eastern Rockingham County and in 2016 expanded to offer substance use disorder treatment services. As part of this initiative, SMHC is launching a wellness program and smoking cessation group for pregnant and parenting moms suffering from substance use disorders. SWGC funds will be used for transportation and child care subsidies for this client population.

SOS Recovery Community Organization

SOS Recovery is a peer-driven substance use disorder recovery community organization with centers in Rochester and Dover. It provides coaching and wellness plan provisions for those new to recovery, phone recovery support services, a variety of programs, services and sober social activities, and a safe place for individuals to build connection and support. The SWGC grant will be used to help launch a third recovery center on Lafayette Road in Hampton.

Step Up Parents

Step Up Parents provides financial assistance to kinship caregivers, grandparents and other relatives raising the children of parents with substance use disorders. SWGC funds will be used to expand programming and services for these caregivers and address financial needs of individual caregiver families.

SWGC was founded in 2006 and has directed more than $630,000 to Seacoast nonprofits since then. More than 175 members contribute annually to a pooled fund and participate in volunteer service projects in the community. Over the course of the year, board members educate themselves about community issues, identify a cause on which to focus, and select nonprofits to receive the grants.

SWGC supports nonprofits that provide services in or to residents of some or all of the following Seacoast towns: Seabrook, Hampton, Hampton Falls, North Hampton, Rye, Portsmouth, New Castle and Kittery. New members are accepted at any time. Learn more at


Rochester Center hours


Dover 9-5 • Rochester 9-5 • Hampton 9-5