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Suicide Prevention for peer recovery coaches focuses on prevention and intervention training using key strategies from evidence based national suicide prevention and intervention strategies. This classes focuses on stigma and recovery community strategies that promote community wide responses to suicide prevention. This program is open to all peer recovery coaches and recovery support workers
Thursday November 21 Class 9:00AM -4:30PM
Goals & Objectives of workshop:
How to recognize risk factors as well as protective factors to improve abilities to response to warning signs.
Skills for intervening with individuals at risk and connecting them with appropriate resources
Building a peer culture of leadership, connection and empowerment that includes suicide attempt and loss survivors in leadership and planning roles.
Insights into suicide data and how age, gender, culture and other demographic and diversity factors impact suicide risk
An understanding of stigma and language as it relates to mental health and the impact community approaches can have to help and positive actions to promote individuals seeking appropriate help.
The myths and facts surrounding suicide.
Developing wellness plans and a continuum that include referrals to appropriate clinial supports as well as peer supports and discussions of suicide management plans in coaching and support services for individuals at risk.
Engaging in best practices to reduce and prevent access to lethal means
Discussion of the community resources available in the peer recovery setting as well as clinical resources to increase prevention strategies for suicide
This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 7 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programing.
Their will be limited space for Training of Trainers
In order to be a trainer you must FIRST apply by completing a Survey Monkey AT THIS LINK:
If accepted their is a $100 fee for the class (including the class plus 2 hours of TOT training) from 4:45-6:45pm. Once approved all potential trainers from other organizations must purchase an ADDITIONAL $100 copyright license for the movie Resilience that is part of the curriculum.
One copy is required for any organization (if org sends more than one trainer additional trainers don’t need to purchase it) or individuals who plan to offer it outside SOS Recovery.. (Total cost with a copyright license is $200). Trainers will be required to sign an agreement that will require registration of future classes with SOS and purchase of manuals for partipants. More info contact John Burns