CCAR Recovery Coach Academy/Advanced Recovery Coach Academy
Special Events and Training

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SOS Recovery Community Organization announces CCAR Recovery Coach Academy AND the Advanced Recovery Coach Boot Camp Option!

Read below to see more info but you can take RCA as stand-alone as follows or you can take advanced recovery coach bootcamp which is 6 courses over 11 weeks.

This is a 4 day Recovery Coach Academy with Friday/Saturday Schedule (We’ve condensed 5 days into 4 longer ones):

Day 1: October 11th 8am- 5:00 pm

Day 2: Sat October 12th 8am – 5:00 pm

Day 3:  Friday October 18th  8am – 5:00 pm

Day 4  Sat October 19th  8am-5:00pm

Please email for more information.

The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy©  was conceived in 2008 in response to the needs of volunteers in the CCAR recovery community centers. They asked for more training to better handle the variety of scenarios and situations generated from recoverees who frequented the centers.  This included engagement and communication skills.  When graduates returned from the academy, they started calling themselves “recovery coaches”.

The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© is a 5-day intensive training academy focusing on providing individuals with the skills need to guide, mentor and support anyone who would like to enter into or sustain long-term recovery from an addiction to alcohol or other drugs.  Provided in a retreat like environment, the CCAR Recovery Coach Academy© prepares participants by helping them to actively listen,  ask really good questions, and discover and manage their own stuff.

CCAR Recovery Coach Academy©participants will:

  • Describe Recovery Coach role and functions
  • List the components, core values and guiding principles of recovery
  • Build skills to enhance relationships
  • Explore many dimensions of recovery of recovery and recovery coaching
  • Discover attitudes about self disclosure and sharing your story
  • Understand the stages of recovery
  • Describe the stages of change and their applications
  • Increase their awareness of culture, power and privilege
  • Address ethical and boundaries issues
  • Experience recovery wellness planning
  • Practice newly acquired skills

All New ADVANCED Recovery Coach Boot Camp!  So you want to really learn the ropes and have the skills and education necessary to both hit the ground running.  Many have identified that CCAR Recovery Coach Academy gives you a starting point, it does not necessarily give you ALL the skills necessary to be a coach due to the time limitations.  Now is your chance to sign up for 5 classes at a discounted package rate!  Understand what skills are necessary through the CCAR RCA, then get advanced training in the CCAR Ethical Consideration for Recovery Support Workers class, train in a 2 day Motivational Interviewing – Basics.  You will also Receive a 6 hr training and a day of HIV/AIDS & Hepatitis Prevention for Peer Recovery Coaches training as well as a 6 Hour 1 day Suicide Prevention class for Peer Recovery Coaches.

The CCAR Recovery Coach Academy is an $850 value and is what is charged by CCAR in Connecticut.  The value of these trainings at the prices offered are unmatched anywhere in the United States.

Pay one price, less then what you would seperately and you’ll be enrolled in the following and have all the classes required for a Certified Recovery Support Worker Credential and a LOT MORE!

CCAR Recovery Coach Academy Friday and Saturday October 11, 12 , 18, 19 8am-5pm Rochester SOS (30 CEU’s includes 2 for ethics required for NH CRSW)

CCAR Ethical Considerations for Recovery Support Workers Friday and Saturday Nov 1st and 2nd 8am-5pm 16 CEU’s SOS in Rochester

SOS Suicide Prevention for Recovery Coaches on held at SOS Rochester on Thursday Nov 21st 9am to 4:30 pm (7CEU’s) This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 7 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programing.

SOS HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis Prevention for Recovery Coaches (7CEU’s). This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 7 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programing.

Motivational Interviewing, the Basics for Peer Recovery Coaches on Thursday and Friday December 6th and 7th 9am-4pm (11CEU’s). This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 11 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programing.

SOS Developing Excellence in Recovery Coaching Thurs and Friday December 12th and 13th 9am-4:30pm (14 CEU’s). This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 14 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programing.

This is $515 worth of courses available as one package for $485

Limited number of Scholarships for a reduce rate as low as $100 depending on eligibility are available.  Please email for more info.  Volunteer Committment will be required.

Please NOTE:

Due to cost of manuals and supplies that must be ordered and are required their are NO REFUNDS if you cancel within 30 days of START of RCA.  Their will be NO partial refunds  if you cannot attend one or more of the classes that are included and all classes require 100% attendance to receive CEU’s