HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis Prevention for Peer Recovery Coaches w/ TOT
Special Events and Training



Friday November 22nd 9am – 4:30pm SOS Recovery Community Center, 63 S Main St. Rochester, NH 03867

Training of Trainers required to stay 4:45-6:45pm

Participants will be able to definite and identify the differences between HIV and AIDS

Understand and differentiate between myths and facts about transmission of HIV and AIDS
Understand different Testing methods and windows related to HIV infection and AIDS
Understand relationships between HIV, STI’s, People who inject drugs, poverty and marginalized populations.
Understand Prevention strategies for HIV and Hepatitis
Define and understand Hepatitis and each of the 5 types
Learn prevention strategies and treatment options for Hepatitis
Take a deeper dive into harm reduction strategies including syringe service programs and an introduction to safe injetion facilities and what they mean to reducing HIV, AIDS and hepatitis transmission
Learn about Stigma and Language and the impact on individuals who are infected with HIV and Hepatitis.

This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 7 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programming.

Their will be limited space for Training of Trainers

In order to be a trainer you must FIRST apply by completing a Survey Monkey AT THIS LINK:

If accepted their is a $100 fee for the class (including the class plus 2 hours of TOT training) from 4:45-6:45pm.  Trainers will be required to sign an agreement that will require registration of future classes with SOS and purchase of manuals for partipants.  More info contact John Burns