Friday November 22nd 9am – 4:30pm SOS Recovery Community Center, 63 S Main St. Rochester, NH 03867
Training of Trainers required to stay 4:45-6:45pm
Participants will be able to definite and identify the differences between HIV and AIDS
This course has been approved by SOS Recovery Community Org, as a NAADAC Approved Education Provider, for 7 educational credits. NAADAC Provider #185501 , SOS Recovery Community Organization is responsible for all aspects of the programming.
Their will be limited space for Training of Trainers
In order to be a trainer you must FIRST apply by completing a Survey Monkey AT THIS LINK:
If accepted their is a $100 fee for the class (including the class plus 2 hours of TOT training) from 4:45-6:45pm. Trainers will be required to sign an agreement that will require registration of future classes with SOS and purchase of manuals for partipants. More info contact John Burns