Charles Mancuso – Chair

Chuck has volunteered with several organizations over the last 40 years while working at Comcast.  He has been a member of the Dover Crimeline BOD since 1993 and currently serves as the Board’s secretary.  Chuck served as a member of SOS’s Advisory Board since 2018 and then became a founding board member when SOS separated from Greater Seacoast Community Health and became a stand-alone 501c3 non-profit. He was elected Chair of the Board in 2022.  Previously, he was a member of Dover’s Kindergarten Task Force, the Dover School Department’s Assessment Committee and served on the board of Dover Youth Hockey as the Coaching Coordinator.  He also served as a Head Coach and Assistant Coach on several Dover Youth Hockey teams and was named the organizations volunteer of the year in 2007.  He has facilitated family support group meetings for Families Hoping and Coping and is a NAMI certified facilitator.  Recently retired after 40 years with Comcast serving in several Management rolls during that time, most recently leading the Organization’s Dispatch Team in Manchester, NH.  He has also worked as a radio on air personality and behind the scenes coordinator for live events.  Chuck lives in Dover, NH with his wife of 35 years, Derral Mancuso, and they have 3 adult boys who have all experienced substance use disorders.  All 3 have been in recovery for several years now proving there is always hope.  Chuck and his wife enjoy camping, traveling, and spending time with their boys and their friends.

Rochester Center hours


Dover 9-5 • Rochester 9-5 • Hampton 9-5