Bradford Paige, Treasurer

Brad Paige joined our board in January of 2023 and was elected treasurer of the board shortly therafter. Brad has been pivotal in his work with supporting the recovery community and recovery friendly workplace initiatives. He has been with Kennebunk Savings since 1998 and was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer in January, 2009.  He is a graduate of Kennebunk High School (go Rams) and St. Lawrence University (go Saints) with a B.A in Government & Economics.

Brad is an honors graduate of the New England School of Banking at Williams College and is a past winner of the Finance Authority of Maine’s Dirigo Award. He served on the Board of Directors of the American Bankers Association from 2018-2021, and continues to serve on the Mutual Institutions Council and Government Relations Administrative Committee.  He is also a past Chair and current member of the Executive Committee of the Maine Bankers Association.  He has served on the Board of Directors of the Ogunquit Playhouse Foundation, the United Way of York County, Southern Maine Health Care, Wells Rotary, the Kennebunk-Kennebunkport Little League, and the Child Abuse Prevention Council of York County.

Brad believes deeply in the value of community and community banking, and is proud to be a part of a purpose-driven organization.  He resides in Wells with his wife Jennifer, their yellow lab Bodie and their two cats.

Rochester Center hours


Dover 9-5 • Rochester 9-5 • Hampton 9-5